Community Action Network for Studley

A New Community Workers Networking Meeting for any group or individual doing good things to benefit the community of Studley.

Schools, charities, village activities that benefit health and well being, doctors, health professionals, children’s and Adult services, Churches, food banks, you name it.  If you think you can contribute to the village through working together or just want to meet other people doing good things in Studley then join in. This is not a religious group but Anne Batchelor, the Methodist outreach worker, is kindly co-ordinating.

letter from Anne Batchelor – Church & Community Outreach Worker….

Until recently Graham Lowther has been holding regular Children and Family Partnership meetings in his role at Barnardo’s outreach worker;  enabling people to gather and share news from their projects/schools/churches etc.

Sadly Graham’s role has changed and he is no longer able to host these meetings and the funding for this role has ceased.

At our last meeting those attending felt that it would be beneficial to continue meeting regularly so that we can support, share and network together regarding the projects and work that we all do in the Studley and surrounding area.  We felt that it would be beneficial to develop a Community Worker Network; not “age group” defined, as there is  benefit in intergenerational work. 

Tuesday 12th September 2012 – !0.00 am

Studley Methodist Church Community Room

Tea/Coffee available from 9.45 am

Finally it would be helpful if you are not able to attend tomorrow  but would like  to be included on the database for the new Studley Community Workers Network. I will make sure that all on it receive the minutes from tomorrow’s meeting and forthcoming dates for the Network meetings.

Kind regards


Anne Batchelor – Church & Community Outreach Worker

Studley Methodist Church

Mob:  07821198881

St Mary's Catholic Church, Studley