There are many ways to volunteer in Studley. From being a school governor, helping out with scouts or brownies, or just chatting to someone.
Talking to lots of local people and organisations we have decided to try and start a volunteer hub. This post is stage one.
If your organisation needs volunteers please let us know and we will add them to the list.
Studley Youth Foundation all kinds of help with planning/ fundraising or working with young people.
Heart of England forest maintain the forest
Aunty Jen Productions costumes, front of house and more
Scouts, cubs, beavers, guides, brownies rainbows, squirrels…. Volunteers to enable new troops to open
Studley common nature reserve maintain the nature reserve. contact
Enjoyably Studley help with blogs about village events etc
Studley community Library: 01527 853753
Studley First Responders contact admin, fundraising etc
Studley in Bloom flowers, litter picking
Community Workers Networking for all positive community organisations in Studley contact Anne Batchelor – Church & Community Outreach Worker Studley Methodist Church Mob: 07821198881. new and existing community projects
Royal British Legion Studley help with remembrance parade
Studley TimeBank chat to people, garden help, shopping ….almost anything
Citizens Advice volunteer
Health watch care home info gathering visits etc
Dad Matters dads who would be willing to talk to new dads. A chat and listening ear could be life changing!